session vs cookies vs localstorage

Understanding Web Storage: Sessions, Cookies, and LocalStorage

When building web applications, it’s essential to manage user data effectively. Session, cookies, and LocalStorage offer different data storage and retrieval mechanisms. Let’s explore their key differences and when to use each

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screend recorder vue tutorial

Screen Recording Using Javascript And Vue.js Tutorial

We will use MediaDevices Web APIs to screen record and preview the video, downloading and uploading it using Vue 3 and Javascript.

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How To Setup Socket.IO with Express Application Generator

How To Setup Socket.IO with Express Application Generator

Let’s have WebSockets for Node.js and Express.js framework. One of the confusing things is to add Socket.IO to the Express application When you use the Express application generator.

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web scraping node

Web Scraping IMDB With Node & cheerio

Let’s get movies from IMDb using Cheerio and save the data in the Mysql database using Sequelize.

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Vue 3 Multi Steps Form Using Pinia Store

Vue 3 Multi Steps Form Using Pinia Store

Let’s code a multi-step registration form with validation using Vue.js 3. We will use Vueladite for validation and Pinia store as a state management system to store the form data and steps.

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How To Share Data With Multiple Views In Laravel 10.

Learn How to use Service Providers and View Composers of Laravel to share data with multiple views or specific views. Avoid repeating your code and write better clean maintainable code.

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Service Providers & Dependency Injection In Laravel Explained With Examples.

Service Providers & Dependency Injection In Laravel Explained With Examples.

In this tutorial, we will explain everything about Service Providers in Laravel and dependency injection,

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Everything you need to know About PHP Ternary operator ?:

The ?: operator is a ternary operator in PHP, The PHP ternary operator is a conditional operator that can be used to replace an if-else statement with a single line of code. It is shorter and more concise, but it is not as flexible and can be more difficult to read. This article explains everything […]

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The Most Used PHP Operators

The Most Used PHP Operators | Learn PHP #05

Learn The most used PHP operators. There are a lot of operators in PHP but what you need to know for a start is a few. we will explain the most used in real-life php code unless you make something uncommon.

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PHP Interfaces and Abstract Classes

PHP Interfaces and Abstract Classes

In PHP, interfaces and abstract classes are both used to define the structure of a class. However, they have different purposes.

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