
Laravel Intervention Image

Upload & Resize Images With Laravel Intervention Image

Let’s create a Trait to upload, resize, delete and manipulate images by Intervention Image, the Laravel & PHP image handling, and manipulation library.

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Laravel Polymorphic Localization

Laravel Many To Many Polymorphic Relationships With Localization Tutorial

Let’s create Many To Many Polymorphic relations Between Multi-language categories and products.

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Laravel Cache Redis And File Store Tutorial With Example.

Let’s create a Laravel cache class to store data in a Redis server or files. Laravel has powerful APIs for caching so let’s get started.

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Laravel Concept E-commerce Product Model

Laravel E-commerce Product Model With Price and Discount Concept.

Let’s create a Multi-languages product table, model, and controller, and Calculate the price according to a discount for a period of time automatically.

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Upload and retrieve by Laravel media library

How to upload & retrieve images by Laravel media library

Using the Laravel-media library package for handling media via Restful API makes it a piece of cake and a time saver. That is what we will learn in today’s tutorial.

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How To Upgrade From Laravel 8 To Laravel 9.

Laravel 9 is now released, and we’re excited to check it out because it’s the most up-to-date technology available. So, let’s upgrade step by step.

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Laravel sitemap generator

How to generate a sitemap for a Laravel website

Sitemaps are very important, search engines such as Google read the sitemap file to crawl your site more efficiently. Sitemaps tell which pages and files, you think are important in your website but how can we create a sitemap in a Laravel website.

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Laravel Breeze

Laravel Breeze Tutorial

Laravel breeze the starter kits you need to build your new application faster. Breeze offers the authentication for your app, automatically builds the controllers, views, and routes for registration, login, password reset, and email verification.

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Laravel maintenance mode

How to put Laravel app in maintenance mode

Sometimes, you don’t need your visitor to be on your website while maintaining it. Laravel has a magic feature called the maintenance mode.

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laravel migration

How to add a new column to an existing table via Laravel migration

Sometimes we need to add a new column or update an existing one to an existing table in the database after the migration. it’s so easy to do, we will add a new column and rename and change the data type of another one. let’s get started.

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