Developed and coded a Learning Management System (LMS) in Laravel that handled
100K users for 4 years without any major problems.
The LMS was well-received by users, with a satisfaction rating of 95%. It is used by a variety of organizations, including
students, businesses, and government agencies.
The LMS has a number of features that make it unique, including:
● The ability to create and manage courses in video format or SCORM files.
● The ability to create courses in multiple languages.
● The ability to generate multiple resolutions of videos using Laravel-ffmpeg to
generate HLS versions of the main video that protect the video from downloading
by the user.
● The ability to download certificates as an image protected with a unique QR code
that gets you a link to verify the certificate.
● The ability to support initiative programs for free or with a small price that add to
the user package of courses to their accounts and the user must pass the
initiative exam to get their certificates.
● The ability to use Fawry or Paymob as a payment gateway, with credit cards and
mobile wallets as payment methods.
● The ability to support multiple vendors of the courses and calculate the earning
percentage for each vendor from the selling orders and make a payment cycle
every month.
Project link: https://logicel.online/
Project images: